Saturday, November 10, 2012

Remembrance Day Ceremony

I am so proud of all of my Grade 5/6 students for their excellent performance at our first assembly that we have organized together. I have received an outstanding number of compliments and praise from other teachers and school staff, expressing their gratitude for the quality of the performance as well as the respect that students demonstrated.

Three students were able to make Mr. Bryant feel at home by sitting with him during recess, and also by assisting him to the doors, four students showed positive leadership and oral language skills by speaking at the podium for the entirety of the ceremony. Students who were present for our song "A Pittance of Time" demonstrated outstanding teamwork skills and preparation.

I cannot thank students enough for their hard work this last week. Not only did the assembly disrupt our weekly routine, students took on many jobs. These jobs included presenting to other classes the meaning of Remembrance Day, then distributing poppy cut-outs for all students to write/draw their own connections, posting Remembrance Day posters, and contributing their 100% as we practiced a very long and difficult, but beautiful song, "A Pittance of Time."


Unknown said...

What an awesome website and blog, Rose. I am getting such a thrill watching your progress as a beginning teacher. Keep up the great work!!

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Thanks for sharing! -Ms. D.