Monday, February 18, 2013

Circulatory System

Today we walked through the circulatory system- from lungs to body cells and from body cells to lungs. 

We learned when blood is oxygenated and when it is weighed down with carbon dioxide by watching an informative video, then by labeling our own map of the heart; colour coding the blood flow. Students labeled our carpet-sized map of the heart with laminated vocabulary words, then students were divided into teams of valves or blood cells; each team had a specific job. The valves needed to make sure that students were all in the correct ventricle or atrium before closing one valve and before another could open. 

Students who were the blood cells were responsible for knowing which vein to enter the heart by or which artery to exit the heart by. They needed to know which colour of scarf they should be carrying (blue= concentrated with C02 or red= oxygenated). We had a timed race with each team completing a full cycle of the "human body" within ONE SECOND of one another. We will review the blood pathway by trying this activity with three teams tomorrow. Great enthusiasm today!


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Thanks for sharing! -Ms. D.