Friday, September 7, 2012


Thursday was my first day with both Grades 5 and 6. We welcomed the day with morning song (Which I am already beginning to get stuck in my head!) and we continued to our classroom, where we wrote an autobiographical poem. On Monday, we will use our computer time to type out the poems and display them on the hallway bulletin board with our pastel self-portraits that we created Friday afternoon.

After a DPA dance, inspired by this YouTube video:

we had our afternoon snack, recess, and came back in for our "routines" and
"Code of Conduct" discussion. The students were NOT enthused by me being STRICT throughout these. I even had us practice until perfect, but I hope in the long run, the time that we put in will be worth it. We did an Angry Bird writing activity next to make up for the sour faces, in addition to a basketball practice, math review, and a get-to-know-you sharing circle with the Grade 5 students while the Grade 6 students continued to work on their "About Me" powerpoints.

On this website, there is a great bouncy ball noise manager that I put on the projector for students to help manage their own voices.

To another week of staying positive and continuing to smile!

I pinned these from Laura and I plan on using them next week:


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Thanks for sharing! -Ms. D.