Monday, January 21, 2013

Project Wet: Sum of it's Parts (#1)

Today I congratulated the children, telling them that they were the proud winners of a beautiful, sunny, riverside plot of land. They had all of the money and resources to build or contract anyone to build anything they pleased.

The children set to work, building stadiums, houses, boats, fancy cars, trampolines, and even buildings made of Jello.

Once the children had developed their land, we put all of the plots together. We discovered that each plot had run-off that polluted the river, and even solid waste that was used to construct their structures or used in daily life. These wastes make their way down stream and those situated at the bottom of the river were quite disappointed in the waste build up.

The students situated up stream were laughing until they realized that more development was in the works, and pretty soon, they would be in the same situation. We are learning about fables through our unit on inferring and the children decided that there are many morals to this situation. Some of which are as followed:

Treat others as you wish to be treated
It's better to be safe than sorry
What goes around comes around
Be careful what you wish for
Look before you leap

All in all, a wonderful learning experience that connected Science and Social Responsibility to our Language Arts unit.


Anonymous said...

Ms. Doerksen,

Good afternoon, from Denver, Colorado. I am a water educator for Earth Force and Denver Public Works. We are compiling a new activity guide, that includes a version of our "Sum of the Parts" (which we call "Downriver Community"). Through the wonders of Google we found your pictures on this page []. Would you be willing to allow us to use the last photo in our guide?

I'd be happy to share a copy of the guide book (both now in draft form & a final printed copy) for you. Heck, I'd be ecstatic to deliver it personally!

My contact is Donny Roush, Sr. Program Manager, Earth Force & Denver Public Works - droush@earthforce - 303-870-4690

Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing! -Ms. D.