Saturday, April 6, 2013

Heritage Fair

          Ms. Carolyn and I were so proud of how well heritage fair projects turned out. Students have been researching away for the last two months. They hosted interviews, searched the web, read through books, articles and journals. Ten students from Grades 4, 5, and 6 will move on to the Regional Fair on May 3rd and 4th. These students will be announced on Monday afternoon at school. All students are recognized for their hard work.
          We were happy to see many families and friends join us in the gym from 10:45-11:45 on Friday, April 5th. Even students in the younger grades joined us; eyes bright in awe from the typed paragraphs and beautifully organized poster boards. We are so lucky to have such keen students and families at haahuupayak. One friend commented to me, "Being here makes me want to come back to school." What a compliment! Thank you everyone who attended and who made our event possible. Thank you Regional Fair Judges for your time and support.




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Thanks for sharing! -Ms. D.